Learnings from a visit


It is common among us to travel to our relatives house once in a while. Whether it be our brother and sister house or a distant relative we visit, have fun, stay for lunch or dinner. The amount of interaction that happens during a visit is huge and there is always some or the other points we get to know that are happening around the world or happenings around the family. While this is one part of it, we also get to know how the house has been maintained, their behavior, their way of cooking, their interests. I always feel visit to others house is just not for a sake of visit, we carry back lot of knowledge and lot of learning.

Recently, we visited our sisters house for a function. As these are WFH days for employers, I was working and I was provided a Table Mate and relevant stuff for me to feel comfortable to work. Post my work I started engaging with their kids leaving the stuff around as is. While I was having fun, my brother in law starting closing my laptop, removing the charger, cleaning up the stuff around. At the end of the day, all the things were in place where it were at the start of the day. I was surprised and thought of my work place at home, where books, pens, papers were scattered, laptop never turned OFF and closed and left everything as is. The next day the same old story of searching for the things used to start for me at home while it was easy pickings here as everything were kept in place the previous day. I felt that this was the major discipline between the disciplined and indisciplined.

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  1. Learning taking place at every stage,at every place. Only we have to keep ourselves ready to learn and also follow it later 😊

  2. Good one. For a seeker of knowledge, world becomes school. It shows you are a good seeker. You have not closed your mind and willing to improve.

    1. Thank you. I agree that if we are willing to learn every moment we live is learning
