Bed Time Ben Stories - Introduction to Ben


We are going to write a series of stories for kids. The stories are going to rotate around a character named Ben. Ben is an imaginary character who has all the characteristics to become a super hero. When we say super hero, he is smart, intelligent, cool, helpful, has all the characteristics of an engineer, always experimental, a travel lover, respect elders, respect women, trouble shooter, what not, he can do everything and anything. He is a dream hero like we see in our movies.

The main intention of creating Ben character is to help kids teach values, encourage them to take exciting tasks in life there by helping them to pave way for their career path, inculcate the ways of experimenting on different things and there by learning with experimentation.

Thanks to Sai SriHarsha, Pradhyumna, Himaja, Raghavendra, Darshini, Sahastra, Aradhya, Nikki for creating this character. They are all from Hyderabad, Telangana. 

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  1. Excellent�� congratulations to all
    Nice character BÊŇ!!!������
