Fish and it's kingdom

We had an aquarium at home in which we had three fishes. They have been there for the last 3 month and have been fed and treated well. One among those fishes, the big one was very ferocious and other two have been calm going and looked very gentle. One day we bought 5 more fishes and dropped them in the same aquarium. The bigger fish of the old lot started attacking the new fishes and killed 3 of the new fishes. Then we had to buy a new aquarium and had to push the remaining ones to the new one. We have never disturbed the old aquarium and the 3 fishes in it at any point of time. the bigger one used to enjoy it's stay and used to feel like a king. It understood that no one is going to come to it's place and disturb her.

One day the aquarium had a small crack and water started leaking. We recognized the leak and as a temporary arrangement we had to shift the 3 fishes. The temporary arrangement was a small bucket. We could neither repair nor buy the aquarium that day as we were very busy and left the fishes in the bucket. When we woke up early in the morning, the bigger fish which was ferocious and attacked others was left dead on the floor. We guessed that it would have jumped out of the bucket and died as we didn't have any clue why it died. This entire episode has definitely taught us a small lesson that nothing is permanent in life. Whatever we feel today is our kingdom cannot be ours at any moment. We are just trying to build a virtual kingdom around us which might collapse the next second. Definitely, after watching this fish died the way it has, our mindsets have changed. They say that fishes bring luck to home but this fish changed the way we think.

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