School and College Life facts


We all either passed school or college or some among us must be in school or college level. Some of the interesting points are listed here. These happen in every college and school.

  • There is something called last bench gang who just enjoy every moment in college
  • There is one guy in the class who always studies hard and is away from all the other stuff around.
  • There is this pair who just can't stay away from each other and everyone knew that they are going to tie a knot
  • There is definitely a rich guy with whom most of the guys want to roam around
  • There shall be a branch especially in degree whose team is unbeatable in sports
  • There shall definitely be a guy who is good at singing
  • There shall definitely be a guy who is shy to talk to girls and gets teased a lot
  • There shall definitely be a guy who boasts himself a lot for everything but everyone knows his capabilities
  • There shall definitely be a guys who always puts focus on his dress up and amazes every one every day
  • There shall always be a most pretty girl in the class and every one starting from class mates, seniors and juniors wants to talk to her
  • There shall always be a guy who tries to propose to a girl from the beginning of academics but he cannot even after academics completion
  • There shall be one lecturer who scares students and is always a thorn in their flush
  • There is always a person from non-teaching staff who is always close to students 
  • There is always a scientist whose thoughts are just out of ordinary and is a favorite among the lecturers
  • There is always a guy who studies hard but has backlogs every exam
  • There is always a guy who is short tempered, egoistic and is avoided by everyone in the college
  • There are always students who feel sleepy post the lunch and this where the most boring subject is arranged as a part of time table
  • There is always a batch whose part of a job is to rag students in the college
  • There shall always be one lecturer who is soft spoken and awards hefty marks in internals and lab exams
  • There are always guys who take help of juniors to get records written
  • There are these gangs divided based on the hero fans and don't even hesitate going to punches supporting their hero
  • There is one guy who is the smartest in the entire school or college and is a heart throb for girls while the boys are jealous of him
  • There is always this batch who just gets to know the subjects and books that year just before the day of the exam
  • There is definitely a girl who is good at dancing
This list goes endless and surprisingly all the people listed above shall be present in every college. This is the reason why college life is the best in our lives and where we can learn how to live our life. 

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  1. Good one. I can relate to many points in my life. You made me to go to my college days after 20 years.

  2. Yes, most of us have gone through all these and can correlate easily.
