Friendship is Everything

Once upon a time there lived four best friends Lion, Eagle, Parrot and Peacock in the forest .They were living very happily in the forest. Lion was the king of the forest and one fine day a Fox came to meet lion. Fox told to lion that you are the king of the Forest but you are cheaply mingling with those birds, I personally feel that you can’t mingle with these bird consid-ering your stature. After hearing the Fox words Lion got angry and told Fox that "look Fox Friend-ship is not according to the status and it is based on the way how we understand among our-selves", so, don't talk again about this matter. Then Fox said, ok Lion I will never talk again and Fox left from there.

Next day morning Eagle was teasing Peacock in a funny way and Peacock felt bad and went to lion as he is the king of the forest to give a complaint against Eagle. The Lion inquired Eagle about the complaint Peacock gave and started bombarding with questions to check if this was true? Then Eagle said yes my Lord , I did tease the Peacock. Then the king Lion explained to Eagle that we are all family and we should not discriminate among ourselves. King warned Eagle not to repeat this mistake again. The Lion took leave from there. Eagle got angry and after Lion left the place, it asked Peacock why you gave complaint against me? I was just kidding but you didn't understand me and I will never talk with you in this way . Eagle was disappointed as Peacock couldn’t understand him.

While this conversation was going on, a Parrot arrived and Parrot scolded Eagle and took Peacock from there. After two days when Parrot went to meet Peacock it could not find in it’s place. Parrot searched everywhere in the Forest but it couldn’t find Peacock. Parrot then immediately approached Lion and told about this. Then Lion asked if Parrot has doubt on anyone? Then parrot replied that it has doubt on Eagle. The Lion called Eagle and asked if it was aware of Peacock missing from the forest, Eagle replied in a low tone that it was not aware and post the last argument between us I didn’t try to meet Peacock. But still Lion sus-pected Eagle and ordered Eagle that it has to take responsibility of finding Peacock.

Eagle replied to Lion asking him to give 1 day time to find Peacock. Lion replied angrily that if you do not find the Peacock I will punish you. Lion left from there telling Parrot to wait for one day. After that Eagle searched in many places and finally Peacock was found in the Fox cave. After finding Peacock, Eagle asked Peacock the reason to stay in Fox cave. Peacock replied that Fox asked me to live in this cave for a day, I was not willing to stay here and then this Fox tied me with rope and went away from here. Then Eagle along with Peacock went together to the lion and told the entire story. Lion was furiated and called on Fox and asked his intentions behind tying Peacock in his cave. Fox said that I don't like Eagle and you to be friends. Somehow I wanted you to get separated. I thought to kill Peacock and if it gets killed the enter blame shall be on Eagle and you shall punish Eagle. With that you shall nev-er be a friend of Eagle. Lion got angry and as a king of Forest he roared ordering the Fox to leave this forest, Fox repented, saying, please king forgive me. Fox pleaded and requested Lion for a chance and promised that it shall never repeat such mistake. Lion calmed down and gave warning to Fox and also said that this is the first and last chance for you, I am for-giving you and hope that you don't repeat this mistake again then Fox replied thank you very much king and left from there.

After that Lion, Peacock, Parrot and Eagle happily surviving their life in the forest.

.................MORAL OF THIS STORY.............

#Dont be cruel...........

#Always be truthful........


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