Don't be in a hurry

One day we went to a reservoir close to our city. We saw guys catching fish in the reservoir. Being a aquarium hobbyist and love towards fish, we reached out to the guys and asked them to catch fish for us so that we can add that fish to our aquarium. We carried 10 fishes to home on a 50kms journey and ultimately one fish only survived out of 10. We felt bad but one way happy that at least one fish survived. People warned us that fish from reservoir needs fresh water and cannot survive in aquariums. We were scared but the fish somehow survived and gelled well with remaining fish in the aquarium. Days passed and every day we used to have a glance at the fish and fell proud of the catch from reservoir. Oxygen was provided, tank cleaned at regular intervals and food provided daily. Things were really good for the new fish in the aquarium.

One day we were cleaning our house and wanted to shift the aquarium to one of the corners of the house. We also wanted to renovate the aquarium with more stuff and add oxygen generating plants so that the fish feels more comfortable. While shifting, the top plastic head of the aquarium broke and entire aquarium was open. Due to cleaning and shifting of few things in the house, we couldn't buy a cover and left the cover open over night. Not sure due to shifting and cleaning, the fish from the reservoir panicked and jumped from the aquarium over night. Morning we found that it was lying dead on the floor. We were taking utmost care of the fish but it panicked at the wrong time, the time when aquarium top was not there. It was in a hurry thinking it was in danger and jumped out of aquarium over night. We felt really sad for missing the fish which was the only one that survived out of 10.

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