MVTW - Granny said so..

Delhi Government is taking measures to reduce the pollution fog that has formed all around the city. 

1. Schools have been closed till Sunday
2. Public Transport is provided free of service to encourage people to use public transport rather than taking out own vehicles.
3. Government planning to bring back odd-even rule on the roads where odd and even number vehicles transit on the road alternate days.
4. Now, Government plan to sprinkle water over the city to settle the pollutants

Whatever, the government does, it is the responsibility of the individual to take care of the situation. Unless, there is a change in the mindset of the people, none of the measures taken will help. If there is an even-odd rule, irrespective of difficulties, people have to implement. People in fact have to volunteer for such activities. Until the pollution fades away, people should not use personal vehicles for near by activities. People should stop using, air conditioners for some days, use public transport, stop using old vehicles on the road, restrict the usage of lifts in apartments, restrict the usage of generators. We should stop blaming government on all the aspects as it is we, the people who can bring in changes, either the government or the environment.

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